Automated Equipment Pages (Miraheze Wiki Development Update!)


Okay, so I just recently finalized the Equipment Auto-Page (EAP) module for use in the Miraheze wiki. Its purpose it to automatically create standardized pages for equipment based off of data on our wiki’s database. This Module will dramatically improve the efficiency of the wiki in terms of keeping pages easy to create and easy to update, as all you need to do now is update an item’s data on the database and all references to said item will get updated.


Some example images of what these pages currently look like:

We are still missing almost all of the images, but the data is accurate at the least. The wiki is currently being re-skinned as well, so the bland uglyness will go away shortly.

Most pages have not been created either, however due to this system being automated this shouldn’t take long to fix.

This is all that is on this one page, a single template. This shows just how powerful this automated system really is.


This does admittedly borrow a lot from the AO Fandom wiki’s own equipment module (with the database originally being copied verbatim), however this does fall under fair usage of the material so sorry @Lovingly no DMCA striking us today :frowning: .


please join us, we still have a lot of data to update

You’re putting in way more effort than I ever could, regardless thanks for your hard work man :pray:

thanks :+1:

Thank you @sanek_1 for helping create every equipment page for the wiki!

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mirhaze can have automatic page making things?
I didn’t know mirhaze could do this fandom sucks even more

There are currently 143 equipment pages on the Miraheze wiki! (Do note that equipment that are a part of a set are grouped together on a single set page.)

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we love terraria

If you have copy-pasted work from our wiki, or have not made any significant transformative changes to the content itself to be considered new, then we humbly ask that your reference our wiki, work and so on so forth under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License since you have been kind enough to tell us out of your own volition that you have been using our work.

You may refer to both these sites for further information. Copyright | Community Central | Fandom
Copyright takedowns - Miraheze Meta

You are obviously free to reference our content as per this act, but it is mandatory to credit us in each and every page, template, whatever you use our content. Thank you.

Done :+1:

You’re on the right track, but if it could be similar to the image below (so that it checks off the need to’s) or keep your one but add a link to Fandom as well as a link to our wiki, so that it checks off those boxes.

But other than that perfect! I appreciate you referencing our wiki but I am also hearing you have used our content in other pages, if this is true, could you please use this same referencing style in all affected articles/pages/templates/etc? Apart from that thank you, and goodluck! :+1:

It’s looking great! Is there anyway the navigation could be more user-friendly and easier to use? It’s hard to find stuff in there.

We did it first >:(
(I actually don’t care, good job.)

Funny thing is, I did help develop the equipment module used on the Fandom wiki alongside @Alarus (I mostly copied from code he made on other modules, but still).

Also, these are the stuff we have found that have directly used our content without referencing, so we would appreciate if these articles and any further articles/templates/etc you make with our content, receive proper referencing.

idk who copy pasted those but ty for the list of articles to rewrite


apparently this “BlitzDevil” guy copied them there

blitzdevil was doing stuff on the wiki before the project started

yeah but the creation of that page with the fandom info was october 12
im beginning to feel like hes a fandom sleeper agent /j

probably just an editor who doesn’t know about copyright, it’s pretty easy to overlook.