Clan leaders should be able to set certain conditions under which members will be automatically kicked
There’s 3 sliders I can think of that a clan leader should have access to (but more can be suggested): an infamy slider, an infamy per day slider, and a galleons per day slider. The infamy slider would let you set an infamy contribution below which any member gets kicked, and it would range from -2000 to 0. The infamy per day slider would let you set a minimum acceptable ratio between infamy contribution and days in the clan, and the galleons per day slider would work similarly, but for galleons. Both those sliders would range from a certain negative number per day to some high number per day. Any of the sliders can be used even after the clan has already been formed, but it will warn you and ask you again if you try to set the requirements high enough that an existing member will be kicked if you go ahead with it
Reason to add
For the infamy slider:
I was inspired to make this suggestion when I saw this picture
Sabotage is a real problem, and it’s even worse because of the current limitations on kicking, but even if not for that, clan leaders have lives and can’t always be immediately ready to ban anybody who tries to sabotage the clan’s infamy or transfer infamy from the clan to another clan
For the infamy and galleons per day sliders:
These are just QoL. Some clans already have this, except the leader has to do it manually, and there are probably other clans that would do it if the current kicking limitations wouldn’t make it difficult to enforce. I know a ton of people are gonna hate this idea, but it should be an option. Leaderboard clans have been getting bigger since clans got added, and it’s only a matter of time until all of them start needing to become exclusive in some way, even if only some have as of yet. The requirements don’t have to be set high to make everyone sweaty, they could just be set low to remove inactive people
Q and A:
- What if clan members go on vacation and then they get kicked by the the infamy per day requirement?
A: The infamy per day is the ratio of total infamy contribution to the number of days they’ve been in the clan. If they get an infamy contribution well above the requirements, then a few days won’t matter - What if I’m a clan leader and I don’t want to use the infamy or galleons per day sliders?
A: You can leave them on the lowest possible setting (which would be a certain negative number per day)
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