Average Day in Magius: The Main Thread

just do what scholars and fishers are doing
name it “average day in the war seas”

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woah woah woah, ADIM actual story update!!!

but this time, they come in the form of really short snippets.


  • Carson - The Run
  • John Salore - Anastasius

Here’s the link for anyone interested in the story. Gotta make the story timeline soon, since the snippets will be scattered everywhere throughout the timeline.

If I’ve written a decent amount of snippets, I’ll post big bulks of them in #writing with stories being rearranged to fit the timeline.

Extra doodle for 'John Salore - Anastasius'


plot twist anastasius is actually a woman

seduction 100

Hey hey woah woah woah
Hold it.
We’re doing perception checks here, motherfucker.

im using anime logic bro

although to be fair anastasius would be sussed out immediately

im sorry what
i dont watch anime im confused

then why do you have yu narukami as your profile picture

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I may not watch anime
but I like Persona and a particular bullet hell series I’m too embarrassed to admit directly which one it is.
I tried watching the Ace Attorney anime, and just… Meh. Only anime I’ve watched that I really liked were Ouran High School Host Club, that Nozaki-Kun one (Pretty damn funny, all I can remember), Ponyo, and eventually I’m gonna watch Your name.
SO- I’m highly undereducated in anime tropes, as I don’t watch hyper-popular anime.

i have nightmares about haruhis dad

…Forget it, I am completely lost in whatever the hell you’re trying to say.

-breathes- haruhis dad (from ouran highschool host club) is a transgender

Now I remember.


what the hell is going on

are weebs being weebs

yes, yes we are

now I give a clue about anastasius’ appearance


hello I’m here to say

surname-less-cultures characters have gotten their surnames! (if vet adds surnames for them, I’ll change)

Full list of characters who got their surname added

Rai Watanabe
Akira Rin
Hina Tatsuno

Geovani Crest
Valerie Flint
Jamil Mariola

Kai Harold
Dimitri Nephus
Micah Stratus
Aizen Saionji
Snow Waldeck
Rowan Acai
Liam Acorn
Shu Karat
Jade Willow
Emmet Aureus

John Salore and Unhooded Anastasius

since anastasius won’t be one of those secret characters, I can reveal his appearance whenever I want :sunglasses:

I should’ve written and updated some info about anastasius too, but procrastination got me so here’s some info

  • new greek guy
  • crystal magic - ruby variation
  • oh yeah he got 2 more people in the “new greek squad” too

hm john kinda looks like this guy i found in the roblox version of scp-3008