Average day in vetexgames discord

I would like to share with you, the forums, one of the truly life changing experiences I had when I entered the vetcord for all of 10 minutes.

This picture alone should be able to sum it up:


this one’s sanity must’ve already crumbled

You know you can always step outside, enjoy some fresh air, talk to your neighbor, touch some grass, but no. This person decided to write about shit magic. ao is coming out this month come on people just a couple more weeks

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yeah this is pretty accurate

although on a bad day… the atrocities that come out of that chat are not to be spoken of… :eye:

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That user was later banned.
This is why the suggestion category didn’t return with the guild recruitment category.

hmm i like this guy i would like to see him on the forum :mask: :male_sign: :male_sign: