Average Keybind Change suggestion

Average Keybind Change suggestion https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/5/b/5b8485176566387cdf8b23a21957bb271bbdd57e.png
effort 4.5 4 quality 4.5 4 reasonability 5.0 4

Better keybinds settings

Make it so that skills aren’t tied specified keys

Yep, this is a deepwoken comparison

Make it so that skills are instead tied as skill 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. Allow players to bind these to specific keys themself
(which gives them more freedom)

Default skill alignment will remain as same, but can be changed by the player.

Freedom to change

This can be tied with other key binds like T jumps and blocking, Potentially also gliding which is a feature that may enter the game requiring players to have a key bind for it too

How will this affect players negatively?

No one will get any negative drawbacks from this change, its purely to have customization to key binds to those who find it difficult in comparison to other games

How deepwoken handles changing keybinds:

PS: I’m not asking to make the skills work like deepwoken, that wont fit AO at all, I’m asking to make it changeable like the example above


100% agree, imo in the year 2024 any self respecting roblox game should have key rebinding. even most console games allow you to rebind your controls.


Would be hard to add into a game that’s already been made, and every weapon type other than spirit weapons allows you to swap to certain keybinds.

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it will depend on the skill number, skills arent binded to keys. skills will be binded to numbers. said numbers will be binded to whichever key that the user wants.

Im not 100% sure how this would be implemented but i’m sure it can’t be too difficult to the point where you need to revamp entire classes and items

Self promo

The game really needs a qol update like this I refuse to use G as the block key :sob:

Crush this guys skull (with sovereigns punishment)

deepwoken didn’t have it for the longest time, but they did add it recently. kinda unfair as they got multiple devs but still. it’s goddamn keybinds

actually lost count to the times i outright forgot that i have a block button because F is already binded to a move i have!!! and what monster would put block somewhere other than on f?!?!


Mouse4 or “XButton1” in AutoHotkey (thumb button on mouse)

I think they should just update most of the UIs in game, ngl.

UIs like the blacksmith/forge NPCs are so annoying to scroll through because of the amount of items.

im not saying this shouldnt be added but its not really the idea thats missing? there isnt really a point to this suggestion beside showing how many people care, which we already know many do

then again a bunch of suggestions nowadays are just “pls do this now not later” rather than actually being a new idea being brought to the table so im not tryna blame this one as if others were better. just that i dont think its gonna lead anywhere

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deepwoken fan detected. opinion rejected

I think I kinda get what you mean, usualy I’d throw in some some cool ideas and concepts but I felt like this basic change needed to get in at some point

The Trello never stated any planned UI changes so i figured Id suggest it with an example to picture it easily

shouldn’t have to use external programs that are scuff at best for that

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Me just not using block because I’m bad at prediction and it slows me down:


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