Average Twitter user when you make a slightly edgy joke

dont forget that shes usually a james charles fan even tho he been caught on 64k wanting to smash young dudes

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you can post pictures of Jesus Christ and you can get cancelled for it

Also this image.


for some reason it always have to be those with football player pfp

eat the rich

Her name needs a bit more emojis for it to look legit.

why don’t you repost it but with the aformentioned emojis; I lack the integrity to do anything rn



:sparkles:𝐸𝓂𝓂𝒶:sparkles: | :comet: 14 :stars: | she/her :girl: | BLM :fist:t6: | ACAB :policeman::no_entry_sign: | Quirky :crazy_face: | :rainbow_flag: Lesbian :rainbow: :couple_with_heart_woman_woman: :heart: | :leafy_green: Vegan :carrot: | Trans Pride ⚧ :transgender_flag: | Tourette’s Syndrome :face_with_hand_over_mouth: | Conjoined twin :two_women_holding_hands: | Psychopath :smiling_imp: | Born male :boy:, bad circumcision, raised female :girl: | :moneybag: Eat the rich ☭ | ADHD :woozy_face: | Feminist :girl:| LGBTQIA+ :rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag: | Hates Men :angry::angry: | :yellow_heart: Stop AAPI Hate :no_entry_sign: | Scorpio :scorpius: | Bipolar :performing_arts: | Gamer :video_game: | :no_entry: sussy baka :postbox: | :green_heart: Dream :green_heart: | :musical_note: BTS :star: | #KillAllMen :boy: :no_good_woman: | :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: #Cancel[insertnamehere] :rage: :no_entry_sign: | Animesexual :blush: | #Depressed :pensive: | Anxiety Disorder :grimacing: |Will dominate you :face_with_hand_over_mouth: | Bakugo and Deku best ship :smirk: | likes gucci :star_struck: | will take advantage of men :wink: | 0.1 lbs :running_woman: | deserves attention :woman_red_haired: | daddy’s little girl :pregnant_woman: | loves leftists and democracy :yum: | only drinks mineral water :cup_with_straw: | most hot girl in her class :heart_eyes_cat: | #furryrights :cat: | is one with the nature :maple_leaf: | favourite animal is unicorn :sparkling_heart: :unicorn: | is typing…
