AwesomeOS's luck breaks the laws of the universe





im sorry but i dont think i remember asking

and this is my problem how?

cuz youre a soyboy

ok bro i was just tryna make a funny

ez :sunglasses:

no he’s mad because shitty enchant luck

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oh ok

i got like three powerful sunkens, a bursting sunken, and two strong oaths in a row

but did you do it in 2 weeks?

enchanted those sunkens over like 2 days of trading

farmed an oath and got strong

levelling a different file, got an oath, enchanted it and got strong

so like 5ish days

none of this was traded besides one oath gg ez

good for you shit aim lightning user :clap: :clap:

my aim being shit is a well known fact to everyone, cry.

well good to know that basically the whole of your sunken sword guild is free infamy then

Ok :nerd_face:

yes? your point being?

no point i just have a bad habit of speaking my mind online

Job application

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maybe go insult people’s pvp skills on a pvp related post and get the hell out of here then :man_shrugging: