AwesomeOS's luck breaks the laws of the universe

let’s all kill this sonovabitch and take his luck for ourselves

Hello my name is gawk gawk 9000 my parents divorced when I was 2 years old. When I was young my father said he would get some milk and never came back I think he was kidnaped when I was 20 I was send to prison because I robbed panties from my mom. I was in the showers in the prison i dropped my soap a BIG BLACK MAN came behind me and spilled my brains. if you like this story Ill make more im gawk gawk nice to meet you.

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theyre likely to be outclassed but not completely worthless in pve/pvp lmao since sunkens now scale to whatever the level cap is. Furthermore we dont even know how good the ss will be and if it will even be outclassed by more than 3 weapons.


brain user located

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