Babe wake up new busted mage meta just dropped

truly an arcane odyssey

arcane travesty more like

ah, it went full circle

Arcane Odyssey is a game where a build each update rules over the others and there is no changing it.

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maybe if the testers weren’t blind and deaf we could see some change :thinking:

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I talked with misinput before and they admitted that when actual pvpers use certain builds THEN they nerf them…

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what kind of logic is that LOLLL

purge balance team purge balance team



Tornadoes are just total Ws tbh

unlike stinky lightning

Maybe some good pvpers should be granted tester just for this alone

can we delete mage

(I do not fucking understand how this has been left in the game since the release of dark sea update without being fixed or at least been labelled officially as bug abuse)

that a bug with gale gel

maybe multiple people should get access to it

Coming with the small update we’ll be getting in a week or two.

hey bud, pretty sure this is bug abuse, now idk if u report it or not but just to be sure, i made a report ticket for u

Didn’t make a ticket cuz I wasn’t sure if it was OFFICIALLY considered bug abuse or not + I physically cannot make a report anyway (unless theyd let me do it on an alt acc?), thanks boss :pray:

lol i recognise this guild their members and allies in the high renowns all need to snake/group gank to get their renown, not surprised they resort to bug abusing too

i caught their leader in a plain 1v1 once when he didnt have bodyguards up his ass and it played out like this

(he also kept accusing me of potion spamming in the 1v1s as if he thinks sailor fist has infinite water)

:rat: :rat: :mouse2:

Thanks for the heads up not to use Gale gels, else I get banned for bug abuse.

unfortunately mages are a [PROTECTED CLASS] in this game so it doesnt matter what you abuse, there will be no consequences :relieved:

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