Babe wake up new busted mage meta just dropped

That’s just fighting mage

Devious ahh stun

mage was unplayable in pvp last update. im not saying this stuff above is fair/shouldn’t be nerfed, but mage really has been struggling

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then it should be said for the same thing with warlord and berserker then tbh
After all it got nerfed hard and now its struggling
I guess that’d need a huge buff

After all it is the same pattern with whatever gets nerfed and what gets buffed
either way it’s basically the new berserk of AO (mage)

i think getting tier 2 enchantments is bit too early for us tbh, wasnt expecting them til like lv 250

my friend wrecked my a$$ with his funny agility build ( granted he was a conjurer with smooth ping and god aim, i was a mage with 200 ping and cant aim for sht )

just use surge and placed explosion, then you don’t need to aim

i dont know how to use surge properly tbh, barely ever hit him

any recommendations?

use the long variant



like set it to biggesst?

make the pulse rate longest??

idfk im not mage, all i know is theres a longer range version

posted update video on its effects*

truly an arcane odyssey

arcane travesty more like

ah, it went full circle

Arcane Odyssey is a game where a build each update rules over the others and there is no changing it.

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maybe if the testers weren’t blind and deaf we could see some change :thinking:

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I talked with misinput before and they admitted that when actual pvpers use certain builds THEN they nerf them…

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what kind of logic is that LOLLL

purge balance team purge balance team



Tornadoes are just total Ws tbh

unlike stinky lightning