Balance concerning the recent crash & rushdown changes

I understand that the conical aiming shape was to keep players from running in the middle of a fight and I would completely understand its addition-- if universal air dashing wasn’t a thing now.

It makes it so running away has never been easier and completely invalidates the running with crash moves argument. Why would you use moves to run when you can just spam leap and dash after someone? That on top of the fact we only get two chances to use mobility in the air.

You could argue it gives some sort of vertical mobility advantage I suppose. But I personally don’t see much of a difference in efficiency scaling walls between crashes and leaps. All limiting the crash/ rushdown aim does is gut fighting styles. It makes performing read crashes basically impossible.

Yeah Its funny cuz dodge reflexes change my perspective on this, before I wanted mobility moves to be nerfed as they are but seeing how mobile mages are with dodge reflexes changes things a bi

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My point exactly. It would make sense otherwise. But at that point the better option would just be adding the air dashes. Now it’s just limiting for anyone with a fighting style.

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