Ban appeal

In 01/19/22 my discord account was hacked, the hacker used it to send fake Discord Nitro links to every friend I had dms open and it probably spammed link in Vetex’s server.
I’m not sure if it was the actual reason that I got banned, but I got banned in the same day, so probably was it.
I don’t have many ways to proof, I’ll just send some screenshots of conversations on dms with a friends that the hacker sent a link to.


I hope that will be enough. I also apologize for taking so long to make a ban appeal, I didn’t knew I could make a appeal here. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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ill check and see if you’re applicable for an unban, give me a moment to find your username

@Zorpheus you should be unbanned now, if you’re rejoining the sever the vanity link is /vetex


the good ending

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Common Noober W

Wow I would’ve done this a long time ago if it was that simple

Well my crime was probably worse so I’ll just wait it out

thats crazy

Thank you man.

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vetcord mod :-1:



No probs :mariomug: