Ban the word "Deepwoken" from the AO discord server

Like goddamn, every other day some Deepwoken fan says “Deepwoken is better than AO” then some arguments form. I’ve seen this same thing happen like 3 times already :sob::sob::sob:. These games are completely different, each has its strengths and flaws. Please stop comparing or saying which is better.

And this never stopped people from comparing roblox to minecraft or minecraft to terraria

I’ve never seen these types of argument in vetcord it’s either meows or build discussion.

those who know:

Hey guys I’m gonna be inactive for a bit because I’m grinding hallowtide in deepwok- banned

Not ban but just make it so players cant say it.


I know its supposed to be a camera/eye but why does it look like a hitler mike wazowski


oh my days it really is lol

This is the poster with a human face instead

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correction: both are wasted potentials as their few strengths were left unexploited, making them too weak to overcome their flaws.

Insulted ao on the ao forums, gettem boys

I’ll say this in vetcord rn.

meow :3

mrreow :3

Let’s see here… differences…

Atmosphere for one…
Uhh you can die in Deepwoken I guess.
Deepwoken kingdoms hate you depending on how much they should hate you rather than by an arbitrary number created by the Navy.