Banks have been removed!

What the hell happens to your money if the guild is disbanded?


Gone, reduced to atoms.



Thank you!

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Just create another account and use it as a bank


You could but it would be insufficient and limit storage, like I said before I have some suggestions that I think would make everyone happy, it just depends on if Vetex will take the time and consider it ( and by everyone I mean vetex and his over shop population and the anti money loss problem or whatever he doesn’t like.)

Woohoo! Vetex back at it again removing useful features instead of working on AO! So proud! Can’t wait to lose HOURS of money grinding and then losing it to a gank squad :clap:t2:, so helpful vetex!


Don’t worry, we have arcane reborn banks

  1. Losing money to death is a good thing. Otherwise there is no consequence to dying. Banks circumvented that punishment for seemingly no reason.
  2. He is working on AO, and removing banks is part of that.
  3. Who grinds specifically for money? Usually, people grind for EXP or items, which you don’t lose from dying.
  4. If you die in a video game, its your fault.

How dare vetex remove the thing that makes the entire consequence of dying invalid!??!!?
What a lazy dev!!!

…also when do I become TL4?

Now watch somebody take this seriously.

There are other ways to punish death than losing crowns once they become hard to get.

What you gonna suggest then?
Permadeath? XP loss? Losing items? Being jailed for 10 minutes straight?

All of those sound way worse to me.

Permadeath? Rogue lineage vibes.
Nah but Fr, maybe you lose the progress on the quest your own? Or you have to go completely back to where you were, listen I’m not gonna brainstorm ideas now, all I know is when crowns become hard to get, a lot of people will quit because they lost half of it to some stupid reason

I have a magic trick to make you not lose money, very efficient.

Alt +f4

Go back to roblox Arcane Odyssey

Click play on the file you would like to play on

Removes all risk at the cost of potential time (jail time)

it takes legit 30 min to get max crowns in WoM why would money making be worse in AO?

Also you lost crowns in WoM but no one cried because guild bank.

Unfortunately crowns were also overinflated and completely worthless in WoM.

One of the things that I think need to exist when AO drops is a few proper infinite money sinks that players will be forced to use in normal gameplay to keep people’s wallets from being constantly full and giving death an actual meaning.

Guild upgrades were definitely a nice approach but it only really applies to guild owners.

AO is not WoM. Also it doesn’t take 30 mins, it takes 30 mins with codes, which won’t be implemented into AO. In AO galleons will be much harder to obtain

30 min with boss farming :neutral_face: with codes it’s 10 min.

where did anyone say that?

also what’s wrong with depositing crowns in guilds. it’ll be easier to reach rookie with island farming since you don’t have to pvp.

everyone’s saying it bruh, they will increase in value, and they won’t be worthless anymore. + vetex hinted crowns are going to be reset as well. Making alt code farming useless for AO

  1. Weaker codes will unfortunately still be in AO.
  2. It takes way less than 30 mins to get max crowns with codes.
  3. It will be harder to get galleons in AO because of the mostly chestless ocean between islands. Also, we don’t know if bosses will be grindable. Also, the level cap will keep increasing, meaning the galleon cap will increase too.

As long as codes exist, code farming will be the easiest way to get money.