Barions amulet shop! Special sales every week!

Barions amulet shop! Special sales every week!
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Tired of grinding for amulets? Welcome to the shop! We have all the enchantments you need for your amulets! Plus special sales where you get rares and build sets!

Dm: 07alexSS #2497


Bursting: magic size
Powerful: power
Strong: strength
Hard: defense
Forceful: knockback
Nimble: agility
Swift: magic speed
Keen: casting speed

This weeks special

Hard wizard set


The GOOD stuff

1 strong strength amulet

The NOT as good stuff

3 hard strength amulets
3 nimble strength amulets
1 powerful strength amulet

2 powerful magic size amulets
1 keen magic size amulet
2 strong magic size amulets

1 nimble agility amulet
1 powerful agility amulet

1 bursting knockback amulet
1 hard knockback amulet
1 nimble knockback amulet

1 powerful casting speed amulet

1 keen magic speed amulet

I do NOT accept crowns, I only accept other items. All these are common items with different levels. Thank you for coming!

Trade log
-bursting magic size amulet

+2 powerful magic size amulets

what can i trade for hard defense amulet?

I don’t know, what your offer?

Trade log:
-hard defense amulet
-powerful power amulet

+bursting exiled helmet

What do you want for a powerful strength amulet and that hard wizard set?

Tell me what you can give and I’ll make an offer

what culture are you?


Do you have hard wizard hat and pants if yes I’d like to trade powerful magenta robes a stong power amulet a hard power amulet and strong black robes

jeezus christ this post is so old.

I forgot when the currency was crowns