Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental

Alligators can only run at speeds up to 11 miles per hour, and they can 't even maintain that speed for long. So if you are in anything approaching good health, you should be able to outrun a gator, and no need for zigzagging, either. Just run fast and keep it up a while.

A bit late but ok

o whoops :woman_shrugging:, my point still stands that there’s no way in heaven or hell you’re going to outpace a Drake

do the math, love

12-14kph is so incredibly slow that literally speed walking is faster

nah nah, i was referring to skill issue thinking i was replying to him when i was just quoting him bc gogos said the exact same thing

thanks god ( or should i say thanks Lord Liu ? )

I know this sound weird and i could probably missing out something
but can they natural reproduce or can only appear into existant through magical energy ?

wait hold up quick question
isnt what allowing someone to be a wizard is magic gene and not magic energy ? or am i dumb ?

also by what i just said, does that mean even after there are no more wizard there will still be Elementals as there are still magic energy for them to form ? ( presumably ( bad english sorry ) if magic energy dont dissapear by themselves after a while )

so they cant have elemental reaction with each other despite being made out of elemental itself ?

If you are in reasonable shape buddy

it’s a bit mixed and depends a bit more largely on the Elemental. Acid Salamanders live in a colony and usually just appear from the pools of naturally Magic Acid as babies that get acquainted with the rest of the colony. Paper Wasps are usually pieces of paper that fall from the hive, and the larger ones (such as the Life Turtle) usually form from space gases like a planet.

the most “normal” ones are the Wood Elks and Iron Drakes, which pair monogamous for life. Wood Elks produce a fruit that can be eaten and bear seeds for whatever tree type they are, which become a fawn in their forest come enough Magic Energy for it. the Iron Drake will lay a single egg every so often and wait for enough Magic Energy to produce a baby Drake. both parties have fixed territories and live monogamously, but it differs from Elemental to Elemental

I think genetics play a role but, and keep in mind that this is all headcanon, i don’t see it that way. like, rather than genetics determining your Magic it’s the Magic Energy type that surrounds you and thus being around Fire Mages prior to your mind’s awakening will produce Fire Magic from you

correct, although if Magic Energy is dying off it’ll impact both parties

they can, but these two don’t actually use Magic attacks and are, rather, mad from the Energy itself. Shadow Owls have no Shadow-based attacks like projectiles (the most they can do is make “Shadow Talons” to extend their strike length) and Moonlight Rabbits don’t have any attacks aside from pure kicks (which isn’t really effective)

if a Moonlight Rabbit put up a barrier of Light (i’m referring to Light Stepping, which is mentioned in their Bestiary entry) while an Owl was striking at it with Shadow Talons then an Equinox reaction would occur. However, the Owl doesn’t strike with its feet and instead lands on its prey and subdues it while the Moonlight Rabbit’s Light Stepping is only produced at their paw pads, so they’d need to be in a physically awkward pose for this to happen

tl;dr : Elementals are capable of Magic interactions, but in this instance it’s so illogical it never happens


Someone with speed mutation: is that a challenge?

please stop

She mean

death magic, boom I win

those that are immortal are still susceptible unless they are also indestructible, since my brand of death magic is more akin to the creation of an alternate universe in which the entity in question doesn’t exist (although i am above laws of cause and effect so it doesn’t alter the timeline in any way other than this fact), and the complete erasure of the previous universe.

even if the previous universe fails to be erased, it ceases to be of any concern to me, since one of the powers of death magic is that i also cannot be replicated, duplicated, or changed by any time bending shenanigans. thus, when i transfer to the universe without my target, my self in the universe they are in ceases to exist.

all this only takes like 1 magic energy to do btw.

What if I just have the absorption curse and c o n s u m e the elementals

am not really gonna entertain this simply bc it’s “your version” of a magic rather than anything i consider valid here

i’ve said this works multiple times

would it be more valid if it cost 2 magic energy instead?


Guess I’m having smoked drake tonight yee haw partner


even if you could kill them, they dissipate into magic energy so no. remember that you’re absorbing them, their energy, not killing them

Absorption go brrr

I’m still eating them tho