Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental

too bad it’s so rare you’re unlikely to make valid use of it in an argument

not really but sure if you wanna go with that idm

Oh no it’s so rare? Oh jeez its totally not like I can do something called grinding oh my sheesh

:cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Lady, you’re talking to the proud owner of three shiny pokemon (shuckle, bewear?, and the giant bug guy), I know what I’m doing.

It’s easy to cook and eat them wdym

Step 1. Steal Randall’s Growth Curse or ask Randall for help
Step 2. Trap it in a giant magic insulating heat resistant box
Step 3. You or Randall shrink it to an eatable size
Step 4. Cook the box
Step 5. Profit

But they bloody disappear if killed

No, they turn into magic energy, the magic insulating box keeps the energy inside

They disappear into my magical belly

Eat them alive

easy solution time

  1. Ask PK for help
  2. convince PK elementals are dangerous
  3. he succs them
  4. profit
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rare as in one in existence in the possession of (if not #1) the most powerful people om the planet. grinding will so you no good here my guy

shiny hunting in thw current generations is kind of a joke compared to how difficult it used to be so eh

no corpse to eat would only be, like, sniffing not eating, also only Magic Enegy hurts them so it’d have to be a magic fire

would probably cause a lot of damage bc their magic energy is harmful when reacting to yours (or something like that, tech addressed a similar thing iirc)

if you can convince them then sure

wait so all the elementals are just logia fruit animals or…


like are they just
are their bodies just made of the element they are?

pretty much

Doesn’t have to hurt them, just eat them alive then

Gamepasses: exist*

again with the mixing magic energy problem. along with whatever you’re eating killing you from the inside since they’re still alive (essentially you’d probably suffocate)

fat chance Vetex would ever consider making an Absorption gamepass

GUI Scripts: exist

Just have the box so small that you didn’t even have to chew it

at this point you’re talking about game stuff rather than lore so i think we’re done here

so . . . you want to eat a box you’re going to have to surgically remove . . . ? ig if you just want an Elemental to run through your digestive tract that works