Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental

Gg ez elemental skill issue

If it’s as small as a coin you’re just gonna shit it out

fair enough, ig you could eat an Elemental that way lel

Easy kills for all elementals (The 100% Full force of the Magic Council+ King David)

I know I’m a few weeks late on this but you’re telling me you casually walk faster than 14 kph?

I felt it’s obvious we were talking about WoM characters unless you can use a growth curse irl.

@Maveth So anyways I bet the absorption curse can one shot them


if he can touch them before they kill/knock him away or just fly/swim/run away i guesss


Lets all agree that beating elementals is basically a dream and cannot truly be done and lets not even get to lost elementals because they can all destroy the entire world


Didn’t look at the date


Chainsaw cannon

Necro but you haven’t accounted for how we’re all idiots and how these are basically gods on a diet

how would it get bodied? it’s . . . literally the Elemental of Storm

if anything it’s causing the storm and/or making it way more hazardous

becomes agitated means nothing like weakness. it means that the thunderstorms are caused by its agitation. it’s literally the companion animal of the japanese god of lightning and a body of lightning. read the full wiki finthat’s all you’re gonna do smh

there’s no way i’d make this thing the Elemental of Storm if it’s weak to lightning

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you’re reading it wrong then, man

wasn’t for you to understand, if you were that curious you’d do the research :sunglasses:

not my fault if you misinterpret

again i say: you’re just misinterpreting it. a basic thing about English is that it can be extremely vague and ambiguous. i wasn’t clear and you just read it wrong. ain’t any deeper than that

but furthermore, if you’d like to play a game of blame, then the fault lies with you for not being able to understand that English is complex. If you were unsure you should have done some basic cursory research on a raiju for some clarification on your own behalf. those notes were for me more than anything and were never meant to coddle and guide your understanding if you couldn’t grasp the intent behind the words.

also, again, in what universe would it make sense for me to put a creature weak to storms as the storm elemental?

see you keep neglecting the fact that English can be interpreted multiple ways, especially with vague sentences as this. you never once asked why it became agitated during storms. again: that’s on you for not thinking a little more deeply

My braincells looking at this conversation: :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:

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