Before release

I will not continue this, if they’re too stubborn to accept they could be wrong then they aren’t worth arguing with.

It will be great to see a point proven later, though.

btw I hope you guys aren’t confusing a Good Story
With a story that had effort put into it.
Like sure a roblox game COULD have cutscenes, but if it’s a boring/bland/mid/cringe story then I don’t care and will skip cutscenes

I could be wrong if you guys proved it with actual evidence btw

What do you consider to be a game with story?
Like, a direct storyline where you go through stuff and cutscenes
Or more like a laid back lore filled world where you discover things on your own

Anything that isn’t linear :fr:

Damn so I gotta go home :pensive:

Isn’t AO’s story Linear

something where you do mainline quests is the bare minimum.
so WoM’s story counts but not Deepwoken cause Deepwoken does the whole “oh my lore’s so cool and mysterious learn about it in the dumbest of ways like triple backflipping into a monster’s stomach to learn how thorn bedder the wise learned magic.”

Yeah which was my least favorite change from WoM to AO (maybe besides the continental thing). There are 100% fire stories that follow a linear storyline (Touhou games, HK, Etc.), but honestly it just kills the replayability. For example OMORI, beautiful story, possibly one of the best, but after you beat it, the game is SHIT boring. Essentially anything that forces you to kind of go through the storyline in one way on EVERY playthrough is what i consider linear

Pre 1.1 ar story would be good if the dialouge didn’t feel like you were talking to a wall

WoM’s story was also linear.
There was to be literally one choice at the very beginning if you was an asshole or not and that would dictate your entire file forever.

It would require twice the work to get the same level of quality and from how the “prologue” is, it wasn’t looking good.

Is Hollow Knight linear? I mean, theres multiple endings, and the way you actually progress it is however you want.
Wait, scratch that, what are we defining as Linear here? Cause I mean technically, aren’t all games just going from Point A of a story to Point B?

wait hold up what the fuck, hollow knight isn’t linear.

is this mfer confusing lore with story?

Ok cool so Im not crazy

I mean in a way it is but it also had different paths you could take which is MORE than enough for more, i want to be able to replay the game and not have the exact same experience :fr:

Im not even gonna lie AA/ AR’s story is pretty shit, and no im not talking about like the actual story im talking about how it went in game. Dialogue felt boring as FUCK and also it felt really anticlimactic whenever you did anything story related, it always felt like you weren’t getting anywhere or were moving to fast. I actually do like the story in general though

Isn’t lore just the foundation of a game’s story which is simply expanded upon by the story itself?

Hollow knight is anything but a linear game but the story/ sequence of events is linear

also maybe someone should move this topic :fr:

holy shit.
this explains so much.
you might have seasoned writer but you have no idea how writing or storytelling works.