Vetex should add all types of qol features and bug fixes, even all the pvp balance adjustments. Full release is already gonna take 7 months, might as well make everything as perfect as can be before more content is added.
I fear what’s happened prior to this update happens again, where annoying bugs go unpatched for months because he already started working on the content
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i hope fort castrum gets sorted so its actually doable with more than 3 people
make it so that either only level scales or only number scales
currently both scale making it get out of hand real quick
alternatively, drastically tone down the scaling of one and slightly tone down the scaling of the other
Make the enemy count scale, not the levels. That is not how this works, Vetess!
ao players: “we want a challenge!”
vetex: “ok”
ao players: “WAIT NO-”
ao players: “we want a challenge”
vetex: “ok ill turn up the scaling so when you have 9 people the enemies are twice your max level, and there’s 30 of them”
ao players: “wait”
ao players: “we want a challenge!”
vetex: melts your pc
ao players: “WAIT NO-”
who are we kidding this will never happen