-the weapon is a rare one, only found in sealed chests, the weapon ability is upwards momentum and mobility, every attack will include the player to move upwards, starts at lvl 50 and max is 150.
weapon description:
-A katana that have it blade bended, pointing up more than usual and allowing for some interesting interaction with it abilities"
-[Q] Leaping Slam: allows you to leap towards the target and to slash them with your katana. (notes: is a dash ability and should leave a small AO, needs weaponary level 100+, cooldown 6s)
-[E] Sword Draw: Rising: A close range move that uses your burst to launch diagonally up, slashing anyone on the ground or air. (notes: tp move, weaponary lvl 130+, cooldown 6s) [show anim]
-[R] Upwards Slashing: dash forward grabbing anyone that in you path, once you grabbed someone slash them in air multiple time before throwing them off (note: grab attack, weaponary lvl 150+, cooldown 6s, endlag should be slightly longer than the stun so the stunned one can have time to parry/dodge)
-[F] Air Strike: While in air use your precision to strike your enemies from above. (note: this move will make you to dash towards the ground very fast {this can be where the player aims or to fall down diagonally}, weaponary lvl 180+, cooldown 6s)
-[V] Spiral Slash: Use your energy to jump up while spinning, slashing anyone near you with your katana, then use your burst to unleash two flying slashes. (note: the jump should be very fast or like a tp while the slashing direction be controlled by the player, there should be a trail left by the sword like the tp moves, weaponary level: 240+, cooldown 5s)
Why should it be added?
-bc i think it is cool to have a weapon special for upwards mobility and something good to deal with airstallers, the tp move, moves u up (still a bit forward), the grab should move u and the target up, a attack special made to be used in air, even the most forward attack includes u being in air for a short amount of time.
(idk how to animate grab attacks pls help)