Now you gotta find the right assortment of items to make it work.
I already got all the items needed written down
DM it to me
BOOM it worked
Math lol XD
i assume sunken set
some power with attack speed that has hard enchant
What is this set
I’ll reveal it for you guys
Sunken Chestplate [Hard]
Sunken Boots [Hard]
Cernyx’s Faulds [Hard]
Fire Arcsphere [Strong]
Power Amulet [Fair, Strong]
Funny how I guessed it correctly
replace cernyx with king accesso or sunken helm and its a gud build, 24 atk speed aint doing nun for u
Cernyx gives more hp than sunken helm and than king accesso
the attack speed and hp on faulds makes it a good pick. next patch when sunken helm gets buffed it’ll be about an equal pick. idk what you’re talking about but attack speed is definitely noticeable.
king’s accessories are pretty bad when you’re minmaxing def/hp.
i do think the strong enchant is better than the hard enchant though.
trade 200 defense for 20 power
I would replace arcsphere with either calvus crown or cape. This is because arcsphere strong only gives 28 power. Strong calvus cape or crown would give 22 power. However, trading 6 power for 16 attack size and 16 agility is more beneficial
So here’s the math. 18 other stats = 7 power stat(by enchant)
18 / 7 = 2.57
16 attack size + 16 agility = 32 other stats
32 / 2.57 = 12
12 - 6 = 6
So, this would give you extra 6 stats
using what?
Lmao imagine getting sunkens
Couldn’t be me
so fallen king armor = power + attack size (and agility or something, ew)
and sunken armor = defense + attack size