Best cargo route?

Okay so, i’ve been lately upgrading my friend’s clan, and i decided to max out his clan’s bank, and of course i chose cargo rout for that.
The classic route is Ravenna-Redwake with 49 galleon profit per crate (199% profit), but after searching it on wiki i found this image.

Ravenna-Shell island is 81 galleons per crate / 41 galleon profit per crate. Yes, profit is smaller, but not as much, and the distance is WAAYY smaller. So uh, maybe its the go-to route?

Ravenna-Shell island >>>>> Ravenna-Redwake ?
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  • No

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this chart makes no sense

ravenna to whitesummit

Probably cause its from the AO wiki

41 profit??? Aint that 31 :sob:

for levelling? it might be alright. but the distance doesnt really matter too much anyways. id rather sell my like 50 cargos at the most i can and travel just a little bit further then sell them for less but dont travel as far

I use Ravenna-Shell to level up my files
12% XP bar per cargo is pretty brokn

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