Best magic as of rn

I need some advice lol

Well here’s the current meta.

Why is crystal so hated on

Also its kinda inaccurate gold/ink/paper are going away

AND magma is definitely higher lol

you hard underestimating lightning and magma

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Is it because they clear bleed (countering 4 of the A tiers)?

Lightning is because it clears bleed

Magma because it clears Acid+Bleed and has a lot of DoT with a large size

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Forgot about this ngl. I put Magma at top B tier and Lightning at mid B tier then.

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Is wood low because it looks wack too?

No clears, bad speed, average damage, loses clashes against most of the higher tier/more popular magics.

Wood is actually good too. Ink is shit in my opinion.

Ink is very similar to Water, just has directly inferior base stats (slightly better clashing with slightly higher bleed bonus for less size and slightly less damage)

fr wood is so cracked

It’s either Water, Shadow Or Wind.
Water is more useful when doing 2v2s and your partner has ice or lightning (very rare)
But Wind and Shadow are better solo

Water is the best tbh. Huge ass hitbox, damage is fucking insane. Pretty good speed too.

best magic is iron, iron chad stay mad. Grrrr :angry:

You went from finding the best magic from other people to creating your own tier list…

Well I played them all so I just decided to make a tier list based on what I got

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