Best PvP Clans

Top 5 PvP Clans rn? (20 characters)

Not crimson I can assure you that

Yeah i don’t know how it would go but all I know is that my glorious lord suncry is #1

Suncry is terrifying fr

my bank clan

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church of iris

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If mid was a clan

Shadows of Yor


Noctem, Noble, Shadows of Yor, maybe Cat Girls of the Sea and Helios for the last two? Then again Helios roster is in shambles after Mage gets gutted and I haven’t played against any CGotS members, I just know they have a few good players

I don’t know about the cat one but Helios definitely top 5

Black Bulls on top :muscle:

NOCTEM has both DeityAbove (Visan) and KeeperOfOath making them having the best NA pvpers.

visan isn’t even NA

LOL das funny

Isn’t he?

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No my holy lord and requisite suncry is #1

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Holy suncry :pray::pray::pray:
Praise the light :pray::pray::pray:

Nah we are

Thas what i just said