Best way to farm sunkens?

lmao who manually clicks when fishing

Nvm I do now

Pro tip: don’t macro or I will find you and record you

I am concered for the health of your fingers

Not anymore the z key works now


Alt and p takes too long for a fish that might get away

oh the autoclicker
i use a razor mouse so i just hold button five and lmb

shit i never thought about binding it to M5, that would be a good idea for wom fishing but not other games because i think i have either zoom or switch camera position for that on minecraft

magnetic collectors, do not fall for the lies that i did when people told me luring collectors was best, no other tips, just fish.

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luring is not terrible ngl you do fish noticeably faster than magnetic rods IMO

I guess it’s just preference

i fished significantly more than with luring, its just that i didnt get any sunkens

Luring collector’s is mathematically faster tho

Make sure to use good soil and fertilizer. Expose to sunlight and water the soil twice daily. Place in a larger pot with a position which prevents wildlife from eating it instead of using chemicals.


Also I have no idea while people sweating about fishing rods rn when there’s gonna be auto fishing (mounted rod)(or whatever the fishing rod attached to a boat is called)

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sink boat to test macroer 100% work

We’re not sure if that’s gonna be able to catch sunkens or not

Ya we do Parts of the trello update that I would like to stab - #33 by Vetex

i mean that doesn’t confirm that it’ll be able to catch sunkens, but it heavily implies it.
but if it can and it catches a fish every 5-10 minutes then it wouldn’t be the best way anyway, since that’s what this topic was about

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