Including every character from AA, AO, and even WoM, who are the greatest frauds of all time?(You have to change their name to include the word fraud)
Kind fraudvus, got pieced up by a homeless guy as a king of a nation.
Could never be goatvon
I have no ideas how to do these names.
You got it down dude, I chuckled
As the strongest homeless man, fought the fraud, the King of Ravenna, he began to open his domain. The King of Frauds shrunk back in fear, then the MC said “Stand proud Fraudvus, you are strong.”
Also all the op people
I head someone say
Fraudmetheus >Fraudbeard >Jokeza
Yet they died from right to left.
I think.
Fraudtheus lost to a hobo that wasn’t even a god, was revived, got beat up by Goatheos and died with a 1:2 win/loss ratio
If you think about it warriors, who are both weapon users and homeless, are basically all Toji
Bro got that 0.5 K/D
mf had a worse KD than AOMC
Idk bout y’all but I could definitely beat Frauden
Yeah but all of them are sweats but not him
Logically speaking though a Toji build could be interesting once we get more weapon skills/know what more of them are going to be.
Bu-but I shower regularly and have basic hygiene
rainwater doesnt count
Nuh uh, you’re not a true warrior then. (still better than a knight)
I ran out of likes to give today, I’ll be back to like this comment tomorrow
Fraudris, cant beat a hobo dispite being an prodigal anomaly.
Fraudward "L"ton, can help while we are getting his stuff.
Fraudtagonist, one shot by a shard of glass.
shamura, bro polluted the entire nearby ocean, melting any ship that sailed on it, yet has 1 attack and dies to pocket sand
fraudbeard, could’ve solo’d durza but brought an army who turned dead and fought him instead so he got all sad and shit, like bro you have 4 curses just kill durza
fraudbeard, bro lost to regular ass npcs only for the chadkeeper to immediately pull up and bitch slap everyone in the 7th sea