Found a cool feature that I didn’t know existed before
flowchart TB
A[Start here] --> B[What is your favorite type of magic? ]
B --> C[Cold magics]
B --> D[Heat magics]
B --> E[Energy based magics]
B --> F[Solid magics]
B --> G[Everything else]
C --> |Why?|Z[Idk I just wanted to ask]
D --> |Why?|Z[Idk I just wanted to ask]
E --> |Why?|Z[Idk I just wanted to ask]
F --> |Why?|Z[Idk I just wanted to ask]
G --> |Why?|Z[Idk I just wanted to ask]
Z --> ZA[So anyways this is called a mermaid chart]
ZA --x ZB[Wait you're still reading?]
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC
ZB --- ZC[Look a spider web]
ZC ~~~~~~~ ZD[And here you thought it was over.]
ZD === ZE(Potatio)
ZD -...-> ZF[[Squatatio]]
ZD ===x ZG[(Look it's a cylinder!)]
ZD -....- ZJ((Circle))
ZJ -..- ZT((Look a bigger Circle!))
ZF -...-> ZT
ZT -....- ZZ[/Mermaid charts are pretty cool, yall should check it out\]
ZZ -.- ZZA[\Here's a link]
ZZA -...-> 0[A important <a href=''>link</a>]
subgraph Subchart or something
direction RL
1-...-> 2[Further yet]
2---> 1[Further]
3---> 2[Further still]
5---> 4[Something]
4---> 5[Else]
Subnet1Icon["Here's a picture of a shark <img src=''/ width = 200>"]
style 4 fill:#131313,stroke:#AAA,stroke-width:1px
subgraph Another one
direction LR
X-...-> r[Alpha]
r---> q["Line 1
Line 2
Line tres"]
w---> f[Beta]
w---> c[Zeta]
v---> u[Omega]
BE:::bar --> CE:::foobar
AE:::foo --> CE:::foobar
classDef foo stroke:#f00
classDef bar stroke:#0f0
classDef foobar stroke:#00f
t:::someclass --> v
s:::someclass --> v
classDef someclass fill:#f96
style v fill:#1FA,stroke:#FFFFEs,stroke-width:1px
6 --> 8[asd]
click 8 ""
[Another text][another-identifier]
[another-identifier]: “This example has a title”
Might make a little minigame or something out of this :thinking: