Bio's Development Log

oh hye thats me :smiley:

i have no idea how to level up btw, is it random each ime you join?

til that scripting and programming are different things

You can level up your current level by beating up dummies,
Your max level can be increased at Stein though, he basically rerolls how high of a level you can get. (Higher levels are rarer)

huh weird, i rerolled a bunch of times and still got the same numberā€¦

Hmm, Iā€™ll have to take a look at that, was this during test 1?

i think so yeah, a few day after you made the game public

wait rerolling your color and rerolling your lv is the same right?

No, thereā€™s seperate NPCS for rerolling colors (Mars, on the ground) and rerolling levels (Stein on the pillars)

ohhhhhhhhhhh nvm then lmao, i just didnt find the stein guy

Ah, itā€™s all good. The mapping wasnā€™t too clear on my part

Itā€™ll get properly introduced in the later tests

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Game jams are like the roblox version of school group projects.
You guys could get a cool topic and all, and everyone would be excited and everything but then No - one does any forking work. Then it boils down the the last 2 days where they fumble in an unorganized mess to make their idealized version of the game they wanted to make. Too many chefs in the kitchen ruin the soup.

So sometimes youā€™ll have to come around after all the others have given up and take their leftover burnt or undercooked chunks and make a dish from it. Which makes thisā€¦thing.

I genuinely donā€™t want to work with anyone else after that cluster fork of a team. Not any shade at my teammates or anything. But my social allowance to deal with forks has run out for the year.

Sorry about this long rant. I just needed to get it out somewhere instead of keeping it inside. AD development will resume so I have something I actually enjoy to work on.


Finally finished with that game jam T-T, weā€™re back baby! Nothing too fancy since Iā€™ve only gotten to work for like 2 days on the game after all that, but here we go.

  • Rediscovered my hatred and curses for game jams
  • Created visuals for dmg, blocked, and shield break attacks (Still needs to be programmed)
  • Started Sounds Module

Also to push things along, TestSession.Two will begin September 1st! The codename will be ā€œRPG!ā€ More stuff will be revealed as it comes along, but Iā€™ll try to post some sneaks on the discord.


yesā€¦ let the hatred flow through you

Do you mind elaborate further about this? because it sounds like a harsh game dev experience you learned, and would be cool to explain in further detail if you bother to explain it.

Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t want, tho it would be cool if you do.

Oh boi this is going to be some long stories. Are you ready? Well here we go!

Of the 3/3 game jams that I remember participating in Iā€™ve had to take over the programming / game director role every time since they previous members have either given up or just straight up left.

Game Jam 1 (Theme: Spirit)

Game Jam 1 (Theme: Spirit) // Deadline: 14 days
We started the group with 4 people, a scripter, an artist, builder, and me as VFX / modelling. We were going to make a puzzle game that involved opening doors while chasing spirits or something, sorta like luigiā€™s mansion.

All was going well at the end of Day 1, our scripter was the one with the loudest ā€œsayā€ in the game direction, and the one who came up with the idea. Artist started making decals or something? Builder also chipped in on the ideas as well, I think there was a trello made as well. I started making some VFX for the ā€œSpiritsā€ that we would chase and started modelling a hammer cause they said it could be used to break down doors.

Day 2-3, Progress was good, scripter continued pumping out ideas and organizing the trello, builder made a nice door design, and the artist had something to do irl so they wouldnā€™t be online. I finished the hammer model and imported it to roblox.

Day 4, It was around here when I realized something was wrong. Weā€™re 4 days into this gamejam with no place to consolidate all this. I ask the scripter for access to his place, which he declines and says that he perfers to work on his own.

ā€œOk weirdā€¦ā€

I ask the builder for access to his place which he agrees, and we start building the map. We make a fairly quick mock up so that we can pass it along to the scripter for them to relay how he wants us to continue on the map.

Day 5, We havenā€™t heard from the artist for 3 days now, and they havenā€™t replied to our messages so weā€™ve just assumed that they were really busy with irl or something.

Day 6. Still no response from the scripter, heā€™s stopped replying in the group chat at all. Me and the modeller are trying to complete the map for when he comes back.

Day 7. The modeller ā€œgives upā€ as hes says this game doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s getting anywhere.

ā€œDamn wtf, weā€™re only a week in manā€
ā€œSorry broā€

Now Iā€™m alone. With no one else to help me. Great.

Day 8 - 10. Be depressed that all teammates left and forget gamejam
Day 11. Ok. Fine. Iā€™ll do it myself.
Program a working door, looked into how proximity prompts worked on roblox since it looked like the next biggest thing and easy to implement. This surprisingly works without much hiccups. Doors are now able to be opened and closed with a proximity prompt that unanchors and pushes the door a little bit. Epic.
Day 12. Waitā€¦ But this game is kinda boring if you can just open doorsā€¦ What can I do to ā€œchaingeā€ thisā€¦? (This was a legitant typo that I did while talking to myself and it somehow turned into an idea) The player is now chained to their spawn points, inspired by bleachā€™s soul chains. Pull an all - nighter to figure out how to make this work, tried making it a whole bunch of ways such as welds, magnitude checks, etc, before finally finding out I could just use a rope constraint.

Day 13. Changed the VFX for spirits in orbs that increase and decrease the length of rope based on the constraint, hurrily added locked doors and made the hammer work. Added like 5 spawn locations that the player can spawn at just using basic spawners. Iā€™m pressed for time here because the game looks really simple right now, with only basic mechanics and such. So I add some more details in anyway I can, post - its, writings, etc.

Day 14. Final day, in a mad rush to finish as I have to make some kind of conclusion to this game. Quick. I think I add like keys or something? Idk these last moments were a blur but I think I submitted it like 20 mins late since I was in such a rush to get it all complete. I was gladly able to talk with a reasonable mod to get em to understand about my game submission so they allowed it. Phew That took some years of my life.

Voting day comes, ā€œI know no oneā€™s going to play my game, but Iā€™m just happy Iā€™ve finished itā€ I say to myself.
The builder comes back and congratulates me, I thank him for his door model as we both watch the voting go on the next day.

We win the game jam

We win??

  • Apparently the judges liked the simplistic style and well executed unique game play :fr:

Weā€™re asked for usernames so we can get the prize (, I think like 3000 robux or something?) I ask if we can just split between the builder and me since the others didnā€™t do any work.
ā€œSureā€ goes the supervisor
ā€œHey guysā€ goes the scripter. ā€œSo I know Iā€™ve been gone for a bit but can I please have a portion of the prize, I came up with the ideas and stuffā€ or some variation of this.
ā€œNoā€ we both say, and he goes on a whole rant on the server about how we kicked him from the group and what not. Eventually he adds us to his own game (where he made scripts at the start) so he can get proof or something that he was on the team.

This man had 4 local scripts and didnā€™t know how to use loopsā€¦ There were about 300+ lines for a day light cycle thing where he mainly set the time, a tool box sword reskined with the hammer I made, and some sort of key tool. :melting_face: I should have verified the skills of the scripter before I joined thisā€¦

Robux is split 2000 to me and 1000 to the builder
Pretty good chap for helping out where he can.
Screw the scripter, and we never did hear from the artist again.

Iā€™ve left out a lot of real life details since they would have made this sound much worse, but I was going through school at the time as well which gave me a really bad schedule.

Game Jam 2 (Theme: Monsters)

Game Jam 2 (Theme: Monsters) // Deadline: 7 days
Day 1, Yet again I join a relatively promising team of 3 members, myself included. Acting as the Modeller, Builder, VFX, and scripter. We start planning with a great head way, laying out tasks for everyone to do on a discord group chat. Modeller has great plans of making like 5 different NPC models. Forgot what the other person was, like SFX or something? Either way they were just talk.

Day 2, As Iā€™ve learned absolutely nothing from the last game jam rekting my irl schedule and being over confident asf from my previous win of pure luck of a game jam. Iā€™m like
ā€œWatch this broā€

As I struggled to program a basic gameplay cycle for the game, and continued to struggle for the next few days in the background.

Day 3, Helped out with building with the modeller, who apparently didnā€™t know how to model when I asked him if heā€™d gotten started with any of the models he said.
ā€œBroā€¦Whyā€™d you join thisā€¦ā€

Day 4, Modeller and SFX dip out as I remain staring at the mess Iā€™ve just started. I begrudgly continue toiling away at the map.
Day 5, depressed and sad
Day 6, Fine. Iā€™ll do it myself. I rush up to the programming and hack bit and pieces of code for a basic game play loop to get working. All is good, just like last time. Itā€™s on me. Weā€™ve got this!
Day 7, We did not got this :sob: Submission time came along and I didnā€™t have anything good :frowning: I think I added a really bad jump scare mechanic and that was about it.

The miracle from last time didnā€™t happen :sob:
I guess this one was kinda on me for getting over confident and over worked with roles.

Got like 1 vote or something

Game Jam 3 (Theme: Escape)

Game Jam 3 (Theme: Escape) // Deadline: 7 Days

Iā€™m making a seperate post on this one cause this is the one Iā€™m most mad about rn. I donā€™t think I can fit this into a reply.

Tldr: Good start, then it all went wrong (What a surprise) Game leader / designer left for milk, came back, completely ignored the layout of the game that was working, screwed it up, left again before fixing it, I do another all nighter after an entire day of work to fix his shenanigans.

Iā€™m still mad. Watch us win this one and him rant on the server again.

Thank you for coming to my story times, this has been Game Jamminā€™ with Bio (All these are subject to my memory since itā€™s been 2+ years since the first one) Iā€™ll upload some links to the games once I can access my laptop again and find the private places.

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Sounds traumatic. Hell after the first one I wouldnā€™t try again.

Game Jam 1 sounds like hell, one goes missing and another doesnā€™t work well with team

Game Jam 2 is a disaster, the modeler is insane to join something without knowing, HOW TF YOU JOIN SOMETHING YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF PARTICIPATING YOURSELF?!

holy crap bro, I cannot believe you had to deal with those shit, and I you luck for the future game development

Ok got back on, hereā€™s links to all three games:
Game Jam 1:

(Reuploaded cause old one was on a group)

Game Jam 2:

Game Jam 3:
Escape the UNKNOWN! - Roblox


What a story :sob:

No way, an actually on time update? Impossible :V

  • StatsUI visuals added and properly functioning
  • You can now gain stats from leveling up
  • Added more menu buttons for upcoming features (Titles, Registry, etc)


(Havenā€™t made an icon for Registry yet)

Still on track to TestSession2 though school might get me first. Idk letā€™s see :frcryin:


TestSession.Two is out btw

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