Bio's Development Log

the nightmare of 3d modeling… (i dont like doing it :stuck_out_tongue: )

blender is HORRIFYING

I’mma try it sooner or later.


Tried to model an AI made reference model. This was a mistake q.q Both on deciding to use an AI made reference sheet and believing I was good enough to make this in full xD

Character Render
Reference Image:

Apparently the AI is not very good at matching up finer details such as the positioning of the ear, fingers, hair strands, and clothing wrinkles. Though I couldn’t do much with my current skill level anyways :melting_face:
I think I’m going to stick to human made images from now on lol


Stellari made some really stellar weapon designs that just stole my attention, so here’s my attempt to making it in roblox:

image Modelling in blender (Typology sucks I know)

Imported to roblox
image Materials and effects

Final result:

Thanks for allowing me to make your axe :D!


Can’t believe you made a pun there-

Okay, but can I just say that I really like the Blender version?
And… Is there a reason you couldn’t apply the light effects to it in Blender? I’m just curious; I’ve been considering picking Blender up to start modelling locations, characters, and weapons.

You can apply materials in blender, but I like to import the model into roblox since I’m more familiar with the particle system in Roblox. This allowed me to add the effects you can see on the axe natively on roblox

Ah, gotcha.
Was just curious since I know Blender is pretty powerful, but at the same time I dunno if it might lack the “simulation” capabilities Roblox has for the particules (since ik there are distinctions between the fact that Blender is modelling/animation and rendering software, while Roblox has a game engine, and therefore real-time rendering available to it)

Blender certainly has capable enough particle simulations to do what can be seen and more, but I just like roblox’s system more since I’m used to it :]

Got it. Thank you, Bio!
I just wasn’t sure, but now, I seriously gotta consider giving Blender a shot.
Who knows, if I get into it, maybe I’ll start posting things to the forums?

You should definitely give it a try :D!
There’s no harm in learning a bit of blender, especially with it being free.

(They’ve also made the UI much more user friendly in the recent updates so it shouldn’t be as daunting as before)

Thank god.
My biggest issue with it is how fucking CLUTTERED the UI looked.

ik you showed this on the doodle thread but i’ll say again: this looks REALLY REALLY COOL especially seeing the process now : D

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Thank youu :D!

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Holy fork you’re back!
Banana, welcome back!

Alright banana how long are we surviving this time

Willing to bet 2 weeks >:]