Stellari’s Doodle Thread

i love doodling my girl in this stupid ass expression


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Nolle used jet stream

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I mean this in the nicest way possible: but why are half the characters you draw adorably pathetic?

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inevitable pain :sob:

tbh i’m not sure if anyone remembers this thread lol
buttttt i might as well post what ive got

i made my own spin on the weapon’s that Noelle uses the most and playing around with how the imbuements work
whenever she holds her weapon, the little flower pattern that’s in her design will appear on the handle of the weapon and wherever her magic is being channeled


That’s… Incredibly pretty…
These imbues are pure genius for water magic - especially with the designs too. I haven’t seen anyone do this before at all! This is really friggin’ neat!

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Remind me to attempt to make this later ;v;

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Sakura staff
Sakura blade
Sakura Cleaver

I love the designs

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I have thought about giving my characters some custom weapons designs based off of what they use normally. Seeing this has sparked something that has been dormant in my head for a while now.

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you should definitely try ! it’ll give your character more personality, make them a lot more unique : D

hey it’s later so therefore you should attempt it now

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aaaah she’s actually a light conjurer, but i can see what you mean with water

Thanks for the reminder, I shall get on it >:D

waitwait I thought…
I… I think I misunderstood something a while back. Uhhh… This is awkward…
Still! Ver cool even wit da light magic involved :+1:

nahh its fine :sob: dw about it lol

show us what you cook up !!

Still working on it P:

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Made the great axe! Really cool design that just made me want to take a stab at it :]
Love the way the details pop in the night time