Bio's Development Log

Perhaps, at a different time though :>
Going to focus on my game at the moment

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I’ll get a chance to try it out tomorrow !

Oh yeah, made some last minute changes to the game:

  • Added ability to close the move hints UI
  • Nerfed blocking dummies’ shield and buffed all exp values
  • Built a little grasslands area
  • ARMS tiers now have their own color, displayed on the bottom right
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oo, so close :melting_face:

“Discover the world of ARMS Dealer where conscious manifests itself in the form of tools,”

Minor grammar issue

Unplayable game

edit: ok for an actual issue dashing will make the ping spike up noticably

I got a better number !!!

I will be grinding to max…

Alrigh gonna go to sleep for real

tomorrow gonna watch both barbie and oppenhimer

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ARMS Manifestation: Riku Takatoki,
Bitten and Born

Manifests itself as a scrap of shadow covered paper.

Has abilities based on large AoE with low damage

Anyways yeah heres what I suggest for the future of the test sessions:

  • Turning off collisions (for now due to flinging)

Early-stage for now:

  • Re-work dash mechanic (Heard somebody say it increased their ping by 2x whenever they used it)
  • Force stop dash when near-collision to a wall (1 stud)
  • Possible cooldown timer for M1’s (Due to sometimes looking like it’s freezing and m1’s “completely stop working” so prolly a cooldown timer to clear confusion, bit laggy as well (server lag prolly that sometimes affects it)
  • Prolly a parry animation for NPCs as sometimes it can look like they healed from an m1
  • Force NPC’s to stop moving when near colliding with a wall when they get knocked back (They can also fling if knocked back)

Bug occurances:

  • Dashing could break animations and moves

(Happened with bana as well)

  • Animation breaks (Client or global)
  • Dialogue broken, can’t press to complete a chat with an NPC

Ping wise if you get 50+ ping spikes:

  • Dashing with a ping spike you could have a dash two - three times longer
  • Longer wind-up for moonlit


  • Probably enable vip servers (Due to larger ping increases when in a server with somebody)
  • Settings for dash mechanic being:
  1. Camera facing, turn your camera behind ur character and you dash
  2. Movement, walk in a direction and dash in the direction ur going

Update Notes for TS.One

  • Reworked character after-image EFX (Might have been causing a bit of lag, will remove if it continues to cause a problem)
  • Added new dash regen effect so it doesn’t share one with dummy death EFX
  • Fixed move strings not reseting properly (thanks @Eternal_Truth )
  • Reworked dash mechanic to not send you flying when you go into walls
  • This also applies to enemies and their interactions with walls
  • Added /debug command you can say in chat to look at your player table
  • Started working on datastore for playerdata

[Balance changes]

  • HC Startup Nerfed to 0.7
  • HC deals slightly more dmg
  • Moonlit got buffed to 1.3 startup

(Looking into dialogue and healing dummy bugs atm)


i dont know if i should spend time trying to level up to max or just roll for max, also whats with people creating ARMS

waiting for the day this game gets released to the public (9 years from now)

It’s crazy that I’m pretty sure nobody saw the discord :skull:

This tbh, please join the discord to report bugs and such so this thread doesn’t get spammed.

The discord is in the description of the game:
and here

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I’ll try the game this weekend ig :melting_face:

Whew, that was a productive test session!

Without further ado, here is the Final leaderboard at the end of Test Session One:

Top 3 will get a title (,when I implement that) and top person gets to choose which ARMS will get worked on after Kogetsu.

Once again, thanks to everyone for coming by to check out my game! I couldn’t have improved the game by such leaps and bounds without you guys! I look forward to seeing you in the next session :wave:

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On this note, I’ll be working on a game jam this week so, next Saturday probs won’t have an update log >-<


spending a few hours grinding was worth possibly

Not really a development thingy but,
Finally found out where that “Get Rotated” shark meme was from:
Get Rotated

Still working on that game jam, the scripter came back yay (Still doing all the programming work tho T-T)

Only 1 more day til I’m free from the game jam!11!1