Bits Of Ethepthus #11

:arrow_backward: #10

I present to you, the 11th entry in this series :

11th Entry

Artist’s Note : No non colored image this time around since I didn’t save one back when I screenshotted this so I could use it as my background.

South China Sea Vibes

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That is somewhat intentional actually.

social credit noises

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angry winnie the pooh noises

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How much inspiration does IRL geography factor in, considering I also saw similarities in your older post with North America

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Quite a bit, the amount of land in the world is similar to ours. For example : going from the east coast to the west coast of the central continent is like walking across the eastern and western hemisphere landmasses combined.
I think it’s about 30 - 70% bigger actually but I haven’t calculated the exact amount yet.

Through google earth and it’s measuring tool I’ve used our world’s coastlines as a point of reference when making Ethepthus’s, though I’m still working on improving my detail ratio.
Not that I’m trying to 100% follow our planet but I would like to make it feel similar, as in natural feeling.

Other than that I’ve taken a couple general geography concepts from our planet and put my own twist on them.

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Here’s a size reference + a glimpse at my current outline for the rest of the world.

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ggs, good luck bro

couldn’t imagine myself creating a Planet on the continental scale + the countries and borders along with it

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