Blasted rock

Blasted rock
effort 1.0 2 quality 1.0 2 reasonability 1.0 3

Blasted rock treasure charts should have a 50 50 chance to either apply Sandy or Blasted mods on an item when it does it’s 40% chance to add a mod to an item.

the reason for this suggestion is because it’s in the name.

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Counter suggestion: Rename Blasted Rock to Superheated Sandy Rock

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Blasted items are from islands ravaged and destroyed by explosions.
Blasted Rock, despite having Blasted in its name, was not subject to this fate.
Akursius Keep on the other hand?
Very much destroyed and ravaged by explosions.


Pretty sure it was ravaged and destroyed by a large amount of force, probably an explosion


It was ravaged by war, not entirely devastated like Akursius Keep was.

Besides, notice how Blasted items are a very dark red to outright black?
Explain how that would happen on an island that, aside from obvious signs of war, looks relatively fine?
And whos to say the islands name was ever changed in its history?
It could have been Blasted Rock even when Cassia Town existed.

the giant ass tornado in the middle of the island that if you step into, you get “lost to time”:


whats the map for

As others said, blasted rock having blasted in the name does not justify it having blasted modifiers. It was also not affected by a large explosion either so it doesn’t make sense for them to drop there.

0/10 bad suggestion please cook better

for this logic items from the epicenter should have the blasted modifier

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what part of a giant temporal anomaly in the center of an island that supposedly once had a village and “cassia bay” being a pile of rocks next to the island sounds not-exploded and fine to you?

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also if items are obtained from the epicenter they should have their own whole unique modifier lol.

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blasted atlantean real?
prices inflate like pufferfish

compared to Akursius Keep its fine.

theres nothing that really suggests the place had been blown off by a fiery explosion which would result in charred-looking blasted items. nothing looks burned, and while we dont know why theres a huge tornado, it suggests that this place was mostly blown by extremely strong wind. and idk why we are trying to guess blasted rock’s lore, vetex knows and clearly he didnt think that would result in blasted items

now you could say there was cannonballs and explosives used there in the war, but cant we say that about anywhere? either way, blasted is intended as a rarer modifiers than others (i thought it was a coincidence but apparently no), so if another island with blasted was added then the chance to get blasted at akursius would lower drastically essentially making it the same as if only one island had the modifier

Wait, what? Temporal anomaly? Where the hell does it say that’s what the tornado is and how did I miss it?

Me on my way to blast a island with max size explosion magic to make the items blasted

I mean it says “lost to time” so something time-related is happening with that tornado in particular.

Point. And now I can’t help but think we’re going to get raid bosses from the Arcane universe’s past at some point later on. Maybe I’m reaching here, but why else would there be a time-nado just chilling in the Bronze Sea like that?

If you didnt know, blasted rock was destroyed by the Slash Curse