Anyway, I did further research and testing with my friend and found out that Bleed magics Imbuement is just wacky.
Normal bleeding. It refreshes when another bleed source is applied to the bearer but more potent bleeding efftect will replace the previous.
Bleeding II inflicted by my Metal Iron Leg friend using multi-hitting imbued fighting style moves ( Selino, Smashes, Shots)
The bleeding damage varied since we couldn’t accurately test due to damage scaling on multi hit moves. If the wiki is correct, the bleeding damage increases albeit not too noticable( 6->7 in this case).
Bleeding stacks inflicted by my glass conjurer, each stack works indepently of others, meaning that I don’t suffer from damage loss by inflicting bleed on an already bleeding target.
If there’s any metal conjurer or glass warlock on the forum willing to help me test bleed imbuements further feel free to call on me.
Did some further testing using 2 accounts at once and it turns out some of the information I brought up were incorrect. I apologize for it as I was too reliant on my friend’s perspective for the Glass Imbuement effect.
Bleeding effects do stack. However:
The duration is not refreshed upon being hit by ANY bleed-causing attack. During Bleeding stacks duration, no Bleeding effect originating from sources other than Glass Imbuement/Atlantean Greatsword WILL BE INFLICTED ON THE TARGET.
When a bleeding stack is applied to the target, its duration will copy the duration of the current Bleeding Stacks status effect. A 7 seconds bleeding stack will become 3 seconds if the target have a 3 seconds long Bleeding Stacks status effect. Nvm the icon is just bugged, each bleeding stack still exist indepently of each other.
There’s no cap for Bleeding stacks, meaning you could inflict as many stacks as you want. Weapons with Bleed as a guaranteed effect ( Atlantean Greatsword) imbued with Bleeding magics result in them giving 2 Bleeding stacks per hit; Glass-imbued Atlantean Greatsword’s M1 inflicts 2 bleeding stacks per hit.