Blood Oath idea

no :fr:


The hell is bro saying :sob:

i think so yeah

basically used too much magic and drowned gods wake up and flood shts

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Deepwoken’s world got more chaotic because of alot of magic use, AO’s world got more chaotic because of alot of magic use… I can’t believe my vetex shamelessly stole from Deep when he made AA in 2015

Deepwoken Devs boutta go in court with Vetex with this one! :speaking_head:

Listen in my opinion I just thought cause of exiled sword from WOM

It coming soon

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I have a feeling this is also not an actual idea from current events that happened

Its not feeling. Its true.

Nah I actually wrote this one

ok so @pilles

can you send this man to the fridge

edit : ( rule listed makes no sense… because it refers to planned stuff and order of updates. )

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this is not one of them edgy games brother, never cook again

oh no i was referring to the “suggestions about order of updates or the order of implementation of planned features” thing.

that should be enough for a fridging.

edit : it isn’t, but you’re still gonna get clowned onµ

( also wrong rule. but still. )

its not even them writing it, it was an AI prompt

I saw that, shit was too funny

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Sorry for my actions but I don’t know what you’re talking about I wrote all that the only one i didn’t write was the sea curses imbuement the rest was all me

Pretty sure the combat one is too

Either way main takeaway is don’t let the AI write everything for you. You’ve got your brain, think it out. If you really need to, you can borrow some ideas from it, but don’t try copying it word for word, and I’d consider talking out the idea with others first.

Nah that was me I had a little help

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when people speak with full punctuation, capitalization, bullet points and with a thesaurus, it’s obvious you just used chat gpt