Boats sometimes randomly fling really far and/or delete your character

What were you doing before bug occurred: Jumping off a ludicrously tall dark sea tower.
This has also happened after:

  • ramming another boat
  • jumping off the stepstones
  • running around ravenna

Steps to reproduce: It can happen at anytime, though it most times it has happened after returning to my boat from a long distance

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game):

After jumping off the giant dark sea tower

Boat beached itself in ravenna (I’d left it near the harbor, came back to find it like this)

Randomly launched to pelion rift (this is the only time it’s happened to me before where the force didn’t just instantly void my avatar)

me when I jump off stepstones and hit my boat:
goes into insanity 10 range

POV:the best way to travel

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