Bored. New Fighting Style? (Light-Based Coma Art)

Bored. New Fighting Style? (Light-Based Coma Art)
effort 4.0 1 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 3.0 1

just some quick background; i wanted a mobility-based style with spectacular speed-affinity and some cool effects. I recently got Boxing on my file and it’s mobility and range, even with lower-end Attack Speed, is BEAUTIFUL… so why not make a style that further specializes in that, along with some others. oh also i’m bored so that’s the main reason why i’m doing this.

Coma Arts/Tactics:

Coma Art is named for it’s high speed and blitzing visual effects, named for it’s resemblance to a comet’s coma, but also named for you uh… knocking your opponents into a coma?

I imagine the obtainment would probably be located at or near the monks in Sameria, and the quest would likely involve breaking rocks.

Coma Arts uses both arms and legs through chops and firm punches, inspired by the posing and kata of Karate techniques.

The visual effects would take after the Moonlight variant of Light magic. The stats and affinities, too, would take after Light, having a massive speed multiplier but low size and strength multipliers.

As for it’s special effects, it would cause Blindness on successful hits (naturally), but it would also have a bar. This bar would be called the “Blitz Bar,” filling up on successful hits, with moves using multiple hits filling it up more. This works somewhat similarly to Thermofist, but I’ll explain differences later.

The bar would have around 30 “charges,” with each hit filling up one charge, and one charge depleting per second. Higher charge count would lead to even higher speed. At base, Coma Arts would have an average speed multiplier, but at max charges, it’s speed multiplier would exceed that of even regular light.

Maintaining charges is the hard part, but that’s where the “multiple hits” comes in. This is inclusive especially for grabs, where a 10-hit Rush, for instance, would fill up 10 bars. The difference between 0 and max charges would be minimal enough to make up for the difficulty of maintaining it, but still enough to encourage usage of grab moves and multi-hit moves such as Selino.

Differences from Thermofist & Other Gripes

The difference between Coma Arts and Thermofist is their purposes. Coma Arts, in nature, is meant to be more of a “support” style, like Boxing and Cannon Fist, likely being used by Berserkers who don’t feel they need a 2nd Fighting Style, so they pick this for it’s mobility usages.

It can let you grab onto your opponents from a far distance with a Rush, gain 20 quick charges and slam down extremely quickly with a Smash, before switching to your primary style and comboing from there. This would also leave them blinded for a quick second, giving more of an advantage.

Thermofist has an aggressive nature due to it’s Heat Bar, but that’s because the differences between No and Max Heat are major. The differences between No and Max Blitz would, in comparison, be low, letting you use the style less agressively, while still working if used as such.

As for Imbuments, the imbues would be effected by Blitz, gaining more or less Speed affinity dependent on the amount, but using moves with Coma Arts imbued will also charge Blitz, making it especially effect, I believe, on Bow Warlords, who can use a Storm of Arrows, getting lots of hits in a rather wide range along with doing decent damage.

Also, just little side note, the glowy vfx would be less potent at lower Blitz (not the Blindness, that stays the same regardless)

if people think this is a good idea i might make more, making styles is fun, and i want to suggest a Lightning-based chopping style next, also utilizing Taekwondo-inspired Kata, since apparently Vetex said Knocking Fist likely won’t be added :sob:

making an Earth/Ice/Magma-based brute force style would be cool too, probably landing slow but heavy, brutish attacks, with it in lore being that you trained your muscularity by living in harsh environments, slowing your movement but increasing your vigor.

some Zoro-type training arc

idk i’m tired rn it’s 4 am. not going to bed though i’m too lazy. if you have feedback i’d be glad to hear it.

oh, and the Strength items would be like, 100% Attack Speed, 25% Agility/Strength/Piercing/Intensity (idk which they all kinda fit), -25% Attack Size.

yeah okay that’s all bye see you whenever i get bored again

edit: sorry if the formatting is awful i just learned about the underscoring for sectioning and hashtags to make text bigger not that long ago. i know there’s those arrow things but i’m not sure how to make them.

is it like this

yeah idk sorry.


stronger thermo fist

dash + leap + reflex + 5 leaps + dash solos

basically a combo-based style, subconciously inspired by fast-paced fighting games with combo bars like Ultrakill


it’d do lesser damage, and probably even similar damage at best when compared to Thermofist with no heat, but it’d be extremely fast, with high attack speeds essentially leading to hitscan more or less

thermo fist’s heat no longer changes your dmg anymore tho

anyways light magic-based fs would be cool

why not ‘defeat x amount of enemies within y seconds’? it would be better since its more of a ‘think fast act fast’ thing

Thermo allready has the second lowest damage affinity in the game lol

oh yeah, duh, forgot. they should change that back it feels like a gut punch on top of the other nerfs it got :sob:

that could possibly work, but if it were something like that i imagine it’d be moreso a race (get to _ area in _ seconds), because defeating enemies unless if they’re then set up right next to you sounds like a pain cause you’d have to go around beating them up

it’s supposed to be a dps style why is that the case :sob: you should be rewarded for it’s forced aggressive playstyle

how about
‘get to [location] within x seconds, defeating enemies (that spawn along the way for this quest alone) will add y seconds to the timer’

this sounds like a cool idea, also i think some of its imbue affinities will have to get nerfed (so there arent any light warlocks hitscanning everyone)

Do you get knocked out instantly by boxers too?

Im gonna imbue this with light magic + max atk speed and single handedly destroy the meta

yeah probably a good idea :sob:

no i fought Mike Tyson and won.

yeah this works, sort of like the escape from Talos except a longer distance but encouraging fights

Mike Tyson must’ve gone easy and not used his “Ear Biting” Technique he hasn’t used since the Mike Tyson Boxing Era.

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