Boss Changes

Boss Changes
effort 4.0 1 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 3.0 1

Boss Balancing Changes

A lot of the bosses in the game could use some balancing. Here are some suggestions for boss balancing.

Misc Changes

It should be very clear when bosses can be hit. One relatively easy way of doing this would be turning the boss’s health bar blue when they cannot be hit, similar to how player health bars look when they spawn in.


Currently, this boss is:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

For Shura, weapons and fighting styles should be able to hit him all the time that magic can hit him.
Also, there should be a spawn on his island. We have this for every other boss, why not him?

With the proposed changes here and in Misc Changes, this boss will, most likely, be:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters


This boss is currently:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Iris should be able to time her T-Jumps properly such that she is not attacking a glacier for 4 minutes while the player keeps hitting her. So basically, improve her AI.

With the proposed changes here and in Misc Changes, this boss will, most likely, be:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Lord Elius

This boss is currently:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Make the floor, walls, and pillars of Lord Elius’s arena indestructible.
Reduce Elius’s attack speed slightly.
Elius should have clearer ways of telegraphing his moves, even with the particles around him. (ex: For the thunderspear throw charging, players should be able to see the projectile, with its own particles, being held in his hands for a second or half a second before it gets launched at them.)

With the proposed changes here and in Misc Changes, this boss will, most likely, be:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

General Argos

This boss is currently:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Fix the bug where Argos just doesn’t aggro you but you can hit him halfway through the first phase until the second phase.
(Optional) Give Argos a move where he activates a Focus that reflects projectiles and makes them faster in his second phase.

With the proposed changes here (including the optional one) and in Misc Changes, this boss will, most likely, be:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Lady Carina

This boss is currently:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Remove her 7-hp regen per second.
There should be a clear indication of where the boss arena ends and where the boss will de-aggro the player.
Buff the damage for Carina’s Crash and Tornado Kick. Reduce all of her stun times.

With the proposed changes here (including the optional one) and in Misc Changes, this boss will, most likely, be:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

King Calvus IV

This boss is currently:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Make everything in the boss room indestructible.
When Calvus starts charging his Pillar attack, add clear telegraphing (ex: Three small aether pillars spin around Calvus).

With the proposed changes here (including the optional one) and in Misc Changes, this boss will, most likely, be:
  • Too Easy
  • Good
  • Too Hard

0 voters

Other Polls

Should Argos’s projectile reflect be removed from this suggestions?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Should Calvus’s health reduce be removed from this suggestion, become an actual part, or stay optional?
  • Remove
  • Stay optional
  • Make it a part

0 voters

Suggestion is a WIP and will be edited many times.

  • Fixed polls
  • Added the Argos poll
  • Added the Calvus poll
  • Closed the Argos and Calvus polls and changed what was voted on.

This seems unfinished, finish it!1!!1!1!!1

Edit: nvm

oh shoot the polls aren’t working. one minute

you took more than one minute, dissapointed and my day is ruined

Okay, it’s finished. :grin:

vote it now.

1 Like

attention spans be like

hmph, cats! hahhahahahhaahh!

Most of these changes look like solid improvements to the bosses except for Argos gaining a projectile reflect since that’d just feel bad to play against.

1 Like

Okay, I added a poll for whether the Argos thing should be removed.

Double their HPs and give it to the next person


Isn’t Argos already able to delete projectiles with his attacks? I feel like reflecting them would be overkill.

1 Like

That’s why I made it optional. Also, there’s a poll at the bottom of the suggestion for removing it.

Interesting suggestion, imo I would rather fight calvus than carina just because of her healing, I can solo them (if I put in the effort to solo calvus during story I probably could) I just abhore her healing. Makes it feel like I don’t do any damage.

No offense but maybe you should invest in power/damage more or land your attacks on an Iris level AI more

Yeah after I get my actual build I beat her no problem, but during story, she just sucks so much to beat. Imo she isn’t the strongest by a mile, but she is the most annoying.

You better hope we don’t have to fight a life curse/magic user later in the story then

I don’t think the pillars in Elius’ arena should be indestructible. It’s a way for players to stop Elius from jumping onto them.

i mean, he still jumps theres
at least, if they were indestructible, he wouldnt jump to a random spot midair and fly there

No but he falls down and makes him easier to hit

Carina probably just needs a total redesign to be fun, too hard to hit on some builds but mindless on others