Boss Mockery

Boss Mockery
effort 5.0 9 quality 4.555555555555555 9 reasonability 4.7 10

Yeah, so I’d rather not have more of it

Normally I’d agree, but I’m willing to bet this dialogue’s more forgettable overall, as players will remember how it makes them feel rather than the content of the text. Besides, they’re not really that cringe.

We’ll never see these :skull:

Nor will we see Iris’s or Shira’s, but they exist for consistency.

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Idk, dialogue hammered in every time a boss kills you seems pretty memorable.

These ones in particular, especially the Iris one, are pretty cringe sorry

I will grant that most of them are actually pretty alright if not good, but I fear Vetex won’t have the same consistent quality if he were to do these for every boss

If you die to flipping IRIS of all people I’d argue that you kinda deserve to hear cringe. I mean, Shura or Carina I get—they can deal a bit more damage than you expect, and someone who’s like, playing with both hands amputated may struggle a bit against them. But if you’re losing to Iris? Nah bro, you deserve to hear like pure unfiltered Tiktok stuff.

I feel like you’re kinda missing the point here. Dialogue that cringe could be written for harder bosses too.


The cringe damage irl is more damage than what Carina does.

I’m a sucker for flashy phases, it would be cool for a small cutscene to trigger whenever you get bosses to half hp, or different intervals if they have multiple phases

They could stagger back, prepare an attack, flaunt their power, or whatever along with some appropriate dialogue – it would be a fun touch, and give them some extra personality

Would mini bosses like Kai and Merlot have the same?


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