Bottles and Sailor fist

wdym cant attack at full power

also lightning goes through water and fjre makes steam clouds

THEY FUCKING WHAT NOW? also like Iā€™m talking you canā€™t use sailor fist at full strength cause youā€™re trying to get back salt water

Swimming around to get back saltwater is better than no saltwater at all

Am considering that salt water bottles exist too itā€™s really not that much of an issue, one bottle refills 50% of the bar, -20 hunger for each one so you could drink 4 if you started at 100 hunger if you didnā€™t want to start starving, which is another 2 full bars
It genuinely isnā€™t as big of an issue as people think it will be


And since you can fill up your hunger past 100 you can drink more before starving


fire and magma turn into steam clouds in water and keep travelling for a bit after, which is a great change since this isnt like aa where everyone gets a second magic

Where was it said that they can actually move a bit in water?

looked back that was never specified idk why i thought that, it just makes steam clouds where they land

Damn, you got my hopes up there for a sec

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Wait Iā€™m also pretty sure from a long time ago one of the buffs heat magic got was that it could go a tiny bit underwater

I only remember Lightning Magic being changed so it could and nothing else

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