Bottles and Sailor fist

-20 POINTS OF HUNGER, that sounds too harsh

Just eat more


really misread that at first
giant drunk bottle bossfight when

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Sailor fist users be pulling up with 300 bottles of water in their pockets

it’ll be real funny if they die of hunger mid fight cause they forgot to bring food

It would also be pretty funny if Vetex added an anti-eating food mechanic for players who were in combat.

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eat food slow you down, that’s usually means death/get very low health

That could happen to prevent Sailor Fist abuse, since islands are close to sea water (no way)
Or prevent bottles to be refilled mid fight.

Also would help a reminder to come very prepared to a fight if you’re fighting in it

Why would you refill a bottle mid fight?

to drink it

But if you can fill up the bottle you can just drink the water source without using the bottle, right?

Like why fill up a bottle in the sea mid fight when i can just drink the sea


Drinking the sea would take some time, leaving you for some clean shots. And your opponent could see you go the sea so they could predict where you go. Bottles could be a one second use during mid fight. But thats what I think.

drink it later in the fight

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But youd still have to go to the sea to fill it up.

Which is why you’d have them ready before the fight.

But i was questioning why you would refill them mid fight…

Actually just nevermind

Sailor fist users actively eating the entire fucking planet out of house and home to spit on people real good

not really just swim around in the water and the bar goes up

you’re still using time swimming around which isn’t a great idea if you can’t attack at full power
Unless your opponent is a magic user using some cringe ass magic like lightning or fire lmfao in which case they can get fucked