Bounty and notoriety changes

Bounty and notoriety changes
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

Having bounty should not make the navy or hero npc’s target you. instead it should be based of notoriety (kinda like WoM with bounty hunters only attacking you if you had that bounty). Instead bounty is fame but for negative rep. Instead of you have notoriety you will be attacked.

The more crimes you commit (anything that would lower your rep that is not a quest) the more notoriety you would get like normal.

This change makes it to where if you haven’t done anything wrong you won’t be attacked. If you get released from jail why should the navy still attack you if you got released

If this were to be changed ingame why even call it bounty anymore? Might as well just rename everything to how to was in WoM at this point, tho I doubt that’s what’s intended considering the system was changed specifically to what we have now.

i just want reputation system back :pensive:
make bounty also work as notoriety and make contracts based off of time spent ingame as a good rep


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