Bow Rework

Bow Rework
effort 2.333333333333333 3 quality 2.75 4 reasonability 4.333333333333333 6

So rn bow is really just spammy spam spam hits for 250 each time.
Literally just add a feature where holding down M1 reduces arc and travel time while increasing damage
Going spammy spam spam with it rn will produce a very short ranged arrow with low damage but with less cooldown between individual M1s
Holding it down will do the exact opposite, and yes this means increasing the cooldown between M1s

Take your pick

So it’s basically like charging a skill but it’s bow m1s .
It makes sense for bows to be able to be charged on their m1s, idk why vetex hasn’t added this yet tbh. It would also make bows more unique since now they’re just rapid fire guns with slightly lower damage and projectile speed.
good suggestion :nod:

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Very good idea, and makes game more realistic

my advice on top of this,
make you be able to shoot it without being frozen in place for a solid second
there isn’t really a reason to use bow if you are inconsistent since movement of enemies will make hitting these hard af
the counteract this, add a glow that increases in luminosity as the hold gets bigger
boom: fun weapon to use and awesome mechanic

oh and before you go “but the stats!!” i don’t really care
if it looks cool and feels cool, go ahead and balance it’s damage and speed and whatever as you want

as my dad says from time to time, unironically: a rocket jump is a rocket jump as long as you felt cool doing it (he likes tf2)


I can definately see this an an improvement for the bows ingame for sure, since it would make them more distince from other weapons like flintlock and musket. I mean, doesn’t the bow basically make other range weapons feel more useless at this point?

Respectfully i disagree, bows are fine, all other ranged options should be made more unique

pvpheads are gonna hate this one :fire:

Im not even a pvphead i just wanna cheese atlanteans like normal

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