Brief introduction about myself

Hello! I’m new to the AO forum so I’ll just introduce myself briefly.
I like to be called “Cet” and I usually use lightning magic for the attack speed. I usually like to chill in AO by fishing, exploring, chatting with friends, helping new people etc. I’m not much of a PvP guy as 1. I’m not very good at it and 2. I just don’t enjoy AO PvP. I’d like to make friends with people and I don’t want to be mean to you guys.
That was it for my introduction, bye!

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theres a certain guy i would recommend you to block but itd be funnier to let you meet him yourself :blush:

anyway, welcome to the forum

I’ll just talk like an npc, it’s the best way to annoy ignorant PvPers XD

Someone’s first post
Them: Hello, I’m [insert name], I like AO, got a [insert slot]. Any advice on how to improve it?

Is it fridge by any chance?

have you paid your penance yet? :tongue::tongue: