Brig Picture Frames

In inspiration of Shell_seawing in the Reminders for AO topic, What pictures do you plan to add on the picture frames on your Brig?

Me personally, I’m gonna draw art of anything important for my respective files and hopefully don’t get autobanned by the bot when I submit it to Roblox (though I think I can use a throwaway alt for that)

I put inside remainings of my enemy corpses

(But for real some explosion photos)

Besides the weirdest gay furry stuff I can find as a decal, gonna have the biggest picture frame always be this man


I’m thinking of putting shitposts for laughs
unknown (3)

but might just put a picture of my friends since I’m the last one left of the crew heh

Better start looking for that sky apple

naww shawn isnt my self insert dont say that :confounded:

Imagine climbimg hours on steapstones just to hear “sorry season for apples is over”

just saying, just saying


Honestly the webcomic is cool and all but I’d rather display art like this

Genuine peak and I hope bigger ships get more big frames

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oh wow I definitely gotta start saving masterpieces how the hell did I miss this art?!

Like bro some of these should straight up be ingame art



obv wont use one of these but we’ll see depending on frame size

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From the reminders from AO post, this is of course not final:

Sundew & Bumblebee

I do not currently have access to my Deviant Art account but I have 3000 Favorited dragon images there I need to go through before I decide finally.

alpha white eyes goin on my picture frame

Edward obviously :eye::lips::eye::+1::sparkles::sparkles:


Yeah I need to think about this.

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I’m gonna put some of my AO screenshots in them.

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something along the lines of the 10 founding members of my clan.


or i just gonna make some kind of island and tell everyone its Mimhere island or new island,
idk i just want some cool, funny, or strange picture.

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