Broken Mast

Broken Mast
effort 3.5 4 quality 4.5 2 reasonability 4.2 5

Simply put,

Each mast of a ship would have an invisible durability bar, similar to the ship’s health. However, if the mast were to go down the ship would lose a certain amount of speed depending on how many masts they’ve lost. This could only happen with well-aimed chainshot at the masts and would be a counter to ships over reliant on speed. The mast once fallen could be repaired through the hammer and slowly come back up. The same concept would apply for NPC ships as well.

The reasoning for this is more of a utility for chainshot rather than just a momentary loss of speed, again this would be difficult to land as the chainshot needs to hit the mast directly, not the hull for a chance to knock the mast down. This would also make it easier to fight those pesky ship builds with 150 speed.


Honestly a good idea to make higher defense builds for ships viable as well! How would it function for ships that have several sails? Maybe just a severe speed reduction because the main sail is down?


It could either work as each mast having individual durability or just a status effect for the ship with one mast falling, I do think its really useful when it comes to countering speed build type ships so I agree with you on that

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This could also be a good way to encourage using a repair hammer, something that nobody does anymore.

Chainshot can finally do what it is intended to do

we definitely need this
finally can get rid of pesky speed builds…
plus if you consider pvp-wise it makes chasing much less tedious(when will leg injuries get added i need to cripple those agility mains)

i like this but i think the mast hp bar should be visible, like a green ring around the base of the mast that slowly turns red as it gets hit more and more

no way we got the new rgb lighting on our masts :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :fire:


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