Bronze Sea - Curse Vault

I heard thats kingdoms has their own vaults and curses which are given to the best generals like a reward. This picture looks similiar to those vaults, but not sure if it is, maybe its just new way to choose your magic in character creation menu…

But these curses are too big…

it’s a cutscene explaining what curses are, not an actual curse vault


Well… rip.

Maybe you also know how non-magic builds will fight with curse users? If those exist in AO.

might have to do with awakenings

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Vetex said non-magic builds still use magic energy, that’s why they still have stuff like auras and charging effects

Then why in AA they didn’t?

People in the war seas are more magically advanced than the seven seas


How is it not a curse vault

It’s not a real curse vault, it’s probably a cutscene that plays while someone explains curses to us

The cutscene displayed a room with magic cubes inside
Vetex confirms these magic cubes are Curses

The cutscene displays a room with Curse inside
Visit the Arcane Odyssey lore section and it is stated that kingdoms have Curse Vaults
Curse = Magic cube
Vault = an underground storage compartment, or a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables

It is reasonable to assume that this cutscene shows a Curse Vault
Not saying it’s a real curse vault, as if actually a place in the game. Just saying that cutscene is most likely a curse vault, regardless if it has been implemented in the game or not

it’s not a curse vault as in we see the light curse which we know averill already took

Maybe its Aether curse?

I believe, due to a few things vetex has said that would be pure white.

reasonable assumption indeed but confirmed to not be the case

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