Bronze Sealed Chest Glitch?

Was wondering if anyone was suffering from this weird bronze sealed chest glitch. Whenever I pick one up, my character goes into the “holding” animation, but the chest disappears. I can’t sell it, switch to any weapons/magic/items, drop it, buy cargo, steer the ship, man cannons, etc. This happened to me 3 times this morning on 3 different servers.

Also, my character’s head accessories and hair keep disappearing when I enter servers. I think it’s got something to do with the disguise that’s automatically slapped on when u spawn in Ravenna. Looks pretty bad.

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From now on you can use the unload ship button from quartermasters. If it happens when you are loading the ship, too bad I guess. Also make a bug report

This bug happens when you hold a sealed chest at the same time that the Ravenna disguise refreshes your character

But it happend to my at silverhold, no disgueses involved, but yeah you are completely softlocked from the game if it happens. (I starved to death)

if you kept your disguise from ravenna then itd still refresh when entering silverhold’s area

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