Brought To Insanity

I drew some epic Atlanteans obviously we have the 117,000 level Atlantean that got popular (I heard we call him Martin) then we have a squid Atlantean (yes I know they don’t have tentacle legs but it’s cool) with claws I named him Dave these were so fun to draw I love drawing creatures it’s where I work best I feel anyway hope you like


I wonder how it feels to be an Atlantean
Always high I guess?

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Dave looks likea fun guy to hang with

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i doubt they are even conscious, seeing how they dont even say attack names when they attack


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images - 2024-04-10T173608.155

Martin my beloved, i made 2 takes on the guy because i like em



The crazy part is that he might just be a pure fs user, since he only ever used iron leg against enemies

they just hate god (and everything living)

petition to make martin an official boss for the dark sea.

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I thought he had fire magic

Not true, martin used a fire explosion

That’s actually the player, martin just used a crash or smash

You can see in the video that the player has fire magic and was attacking

where do you find said video

I love how horendous these are, good job
how atlantians would look irl

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by the way,
PenguinsOfMadagascarDrOctaviusBrineGIF (2)
remember this guy,
Dave the octopus Wierdo>:D

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Actually he’s a squid thank you very much :nerd_face: but no fr I was originally gonna name him Jerry but I changed it to Dave

HOLY ITS YOU YOU COMMENTED.[quote=“Maple, post:5, topic:128633, full:true”]

hi its me

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